
Flyer of event
Early Intervention Essentials: Empowering Preschool Teachers to Identify Potential Needs and Make Effective Referrals (PDF)

Early Intervention Essentials: Empowering Preschool Teachers to Identify Potential Needs and Make Effective Referrals


Event flyer thumbnail
Setting Up For Success: Developing an Assessment Team for Early Childhood Special Education Part 2 (PDF)

Attend the Feb 25th event: Setting Up For Success - Developing an Assessment Team for Early Childhood Special Education Part 2

Parent Outreach flyer
Parent Outreach: Milestones and Abilities Ages Zero to Five Feb 20 Event (PDF)

Join us as we review developmental milestones and expected abilities for children ages zero to five.

Communities of Practice

Join a regional Community of Practice to share and learn best practices from fellow practioners and leaders.  Collaboration is key to program improvement and success for our youngest learners.

person on computer doing virtual training
Virtual Training at No Cost

CalECSE offers Virtual Training Sessions on a variety of topics available at no cost.