Our Exemplar Leads

CalECSE Network Exemplar Leads connect with LEAs and other agencies seeking support or that have been identified to participate in high-quality technical assistance and professional learning opportunities.

CalECSE will provide technical assistance, professional learning, and demonstration of tangible practices that have been proven successful in:

A Proven System of Support

CalECSE supports Local Educational Agencies (LEAs), Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPAs), County Offices of Education (COEs), and other Agency Partners in the areas of IDEA Part C to B Transitions, Preschool Assessment Practices, and Preschool Child Find by assisting the agencies in building capacity, knowledge, collaboration and implementing evidence-based practices. Geographic technicial assistance support is available in all 11 regions. Please use our Contact Form to inquire about available support.

Illustration of California and County Service Areas.

Exemplar Lead Media

The CalECSE Network has developed videos that highlight Exemplar Lead practices, as well as activities that have resulted in timely and successful transitions, assessments, and positive outcomes for preschool-age students!   

Parent Outreach & Support: Special Education Best Practices for Transitioning to Preschool (Video)

In this video, the San Gabriel Pomona Parents’ Place Family Resource & Empowerment Center highlights how FRCs support families as their children enter early childhood education and prepare for school-aged programs, empowering them to becoming active partners in the process.

Innovative & Inclusive Practices: Special Education Best Practices for Transitioning to Preschool (Video)

Inclusive learning environments often support better outcomes in academics, social skills, behavior and self-advocacy for students with disabilities. In this video, CalECSE Exemplar Leads from Sonoma County SELPA and Bonita Unified School District discuss the positive impacts of inclusive learning and how LEAs create or adopt their own inclusive learning models, utilizing support from their SELPAs and other local and state resources.

Assessment Practices: Special Education Best Practices for Transitioning to Preschool (Video)

In this video, CalECSE Network Exemplar Lead Carrie Rodrigues highlights the importance of early assessment and discusses the best practices in the assessment of students prior to their transition into a kindergarten setting, with insight from school administrators and a parent who have seen the benefits of these practices firsthand.

screenshot of video
Interagency Collaboration: Special Education Best Practices for Transitioning to Preschool (Video)

An overview of Interagency Collaboration: Special Education Best Practices for Transitioning to Preschool

opening slides
Child Find: Best Practices for Transitioning to Preschool (Video)

Providing seamless early intervention services for our youngest learners with disabilities is critical for their success and long term outcomes. This video describes how to identify students with needs early and connect them to the support they need. Highlights include collaboration with organizations such as Help Me Grow and First 5 California.

Early Intervention Opening slide
Early Intervention: How Childcare Providers Can Help (Video)

Childcare providers have a key partnership with parents in providing what is needed for the well-being and health of those with whom they are entrusted. This video takes a step by step walk through the process to help families and childcare providers who have a concern about a child's growth and development seek support.

BLAST in Bonita Unified: Building an Inclusive Preschool Program (Video)

Have you wondered what inclusion looks like in a preschool classroom? This video highlights a typical day in a Bonita Unified School District preschool classroom, which is part of its Building Lifelong Academic Skills (BLAST) inclusion program. Learn what makes this inclusion program successful and how LEAs can create and sustain their own inclusion programs to benefit young students with special needs.

Recorded Trainings
Assessment Practices - Best Practices for Assessing English Language Learners in Early Childhood Recording (Video)

Learn about the essential components for conducting comprehensive, legally defensible initial early childhood assessments for English Language Learners. 

Support Materials
Assessment Practices - Best Practices for Assessing English Language Learners in Early Childhood (PDF)