Preschool Child Find
The Preschool Child Find Exemplar Lead is a Local Educational Agencies (LEA), Special Education Local Plan Areas (SELPA), County Office of Education (COE), or Community Agency partner serving young children who provide effective models and practices that successfully identify children who may be eligible for Special Education and/or Related Services in their local community. This Exemplar Lead provides effective examples of the community referral process for screenings and/or assessment that result from parents and/or other agency referrals.
Exemplar Leads for Preschool Child Find
First 5 Orange County
Preschool Child Find Resources
A comprehensive Child Find system ensures that all children who are in need of early intervention or special education services are identified, located and evaluated. Learn about the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) child find requirements as well as how educational community agencies support child find obligations.
Support Materials
Providing seamless early intervention services for our youngest learners with disabilities is critical for their success and long term outcomes. This video describes how to identify students with needs early and connect them to the support they need. Highlights include collaboration with organizations such as Help Me Grow and First 5 California.
Childcare providers have a key partnership with parents in providing what is needed for the well-being and health of those with whom they are entrusted. This video takes a step by step walk through the process to help families and childcare providers who have a concern about a child's growth and development seek support.
Empowering Preschool Teachers to Identify Potential Needs and Make Effective Referrals