Our Team Members

CalECSE supports Local Educational Agencies (LEAs), Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPAs), County Offices of Special Education (COEs), and other Agency Partners in the areas of IDEA Part C to B Transitions, Preschool Assessment Practices, and Preschool Child Find by assisting the agencies in building capacity, knowledge, collaboration & implementing evidence-based practices. Please use our Contact Form to inquire about available support.

Executive Leadership

We have a passion for helping educators and teams create sustainable, evidence-based practices that support IDEA Part C to Part B transitions, assessments, and child find activities.

Dr. Scott Turner
CalECSE Co-Executive Director
East San Gabriel Valley SELPA

Dr. Scott Turner has worked in the field of special education for over 15 years. He has held positions as an Early Childhood Education Specialist, Program Specialist (K-12), Special Education Site Principal, SELPA Director, and currently as an Executive Director of a Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA).  Dr. Turner holds an Education Specialist credential and an Administrative Services Credential.  He has a Master of Science in Special Education, an Administrative Services Credential, and Doctorate in PreK-12 Educational Leadership.  Dr. Turner's undergraduate degree was in Criminal Justice and Sociology, and his childhood dream was to obtain a career in law enforcement.  In his junior year of undergrad he worked as an instructional assistant, altering his career path and commitment towards students with disabilities.

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Melanie Hertig
CalECSE Co-Executive Director
Irvine Unified School District

Melanie Hertig received both her undergraduate and graduate degrees from Azusa Pacific University and started her career working with young children with disabilities as an early intervention ABA home program provider in the San Gabriel Valley.  This experience led her to a career as a School Psychologist where she supported the district with assessing for Autism as well as preschool special education assessments. Melanie has held positons as a Preschool School Psychologist, Preschool Special Education Administrator and Special Education Director in Riverside County.  She is currently the Executive Director of Special Education/SELPA for Irvine USD in Orange County and continues to hold the special education preschoolers close to her heart.

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Marion Springett
CalECSE Project Coordinator
Saddleback Valley Unified School District

Marion Springett served as a school psychologist for 14 years before stepping into an administrative leadership position for 6 years at the La Tierra Early Childhood Center in the Saddleback Valley Unified School District.  In her work, Marion has passionately and proactively served children and families from diverse socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds.  Marion holds a Master's Degree in Education, a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology, a Pupil Personnel Services Credential in School Psychology, and an Administrative Services Credential.  She is currently also an adjunct instructor at Orange Coast College, in the Coast College Community District, where she has successfully taught a variety of courses pertaining to early childhood, human development, assessment, and educational law.

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Carrie Rodrigues
Program Specialist for Northern California

Carrie Rodrigues is a School Psychologist and Preschool Program Specialist who is passionate about early childhood special education and inclusion.  She currently works for both Piedmont Unified School District and for the CalECSE as a member of its leadership team.  Ms. Rodrigues was selected as CalECSE Exemplar Lead for Assessment Practices in 2022.  She is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP), a Licensed Educational Psychologist (LEP) (CA License #3780), and is highly skilled at conducting comprehensive assessments in all areas of suspected disability to determine special education eligibility.  Carrie holds particular expertise in Autism assessment, identification, and support and previously served as California Autism Professional Training and Information Network (CAPTAIN) cadre member and trained countless educators in evidenced-based practices for Autism. Carrie often guest lectures in graduate school programs of school psychology on Early Childhood topics and has given presentations to thousands around California on behalf of CalECSE on best practices in Early Childhood assessments. She is mother to two wonderful neurodivergent children and is an ardent supporter of the neurodiversity movement.

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Laura Clarke
Program Specialist for Southern California

Laura Clarke has served children with disabilities and their families in a variety of capacities over the past 30 years, including as an instructional aide, teacher, Teacher on Special Assignment, Coordinator of Special Education, Director of Special Education, Elementary School Principal and Program Specialist for Community Schools.  Meeting the needs of this population has always been her passion.  She received her Bachelor's Degree and Multiple Subject Credential from Azusa Pacific University, her Master's Degree and Special Education Credentials from California State Polytechnic University Pomona and her Administrative Credential from the University of LaVerne.  Laura believes deeply in the work of CalECSE and is thrilled to join this amazing team.

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Exemplar Leads

CalECSE Network Exemplar Leads connect with LEAs & other agencies seeking support or that have been identified to participate in high-quality technical assistance & professional learning opportunities.

Lucia Garay
Interagency Collaboration Exemplar Lead
East County SELPA

Lucia Garay, consultant, has worked in the field of education for more than 38 years.  Her collective experiences as an aide, teacher, and site, district and county administrator have provided a strong base for her work in support of 0-5 programs in California.  Ms. Garay’s work has focused on quality improvement in early education and care settings; increased inclusive opportunities through facilitation of interagency agreements and their implementation; maximizing resources across special education, general education, and community-based organizations for the work force serving 0-5 year-olds; alignment and transition to TK-12 by supporting local program administrators to maximize program funding and to understand required accountability requirements; and aligning policies and processes to facilitate linguistically and culturally appropriate child-focused program implementation through California’s very complex, diverse early education and care system. She is a firm believer in collaboration and is committed to continuous improvement in the field of early childhood.    

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Sarah Franco
Interagency Collaboration Exemplar Lead, Regional Center Focused
San Diego Regional Center

Sarah Franco, M.A., is the Manager of Client Services, Early Childhood, at the San Diego Regional Center where she has worked for more than 21 years.  Sarah was instrumental in developing processes and procedures for smooth transitions for referrals from Part C to Part B under IDEA.  SDRC has excellent working relationships with local education agencies in addition to strong interagency agreements. Sarah is the  0-5 Transition Liaison for San Diego Regional Center. Sarah is the  Child Welfare Services Early Start Liaison for San Diego Regional Center. Sarah is very engaged in education and outreach, and is part of 2 large DDS grants focused on outreach to underserved populations which includes children experiencing homelessness, children experiencing immigration issues, and Tribal outreach. Sarah has been part of numerous DDS audits  where SDRC has reached 100% compliance in relation to transition.  Sarah has a passion for ensuring that infants and toddlers in San Diego County continue to receive quality services.  Sarah  takes pride in her strong community partnerships.

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Heather DiFede
Interagency Collaboration Exemplar Lead, LEA Focused
East County SELPA

Heather DiFede is the Executive Director of the East County Special Education Local Plan Area (East County SELPA) in San Diego, California.  During her tenure as District Director and SELPA Director, she has led collaborative meetings with San Diego Regional Center (SDRC) resulting in IFSP form development, Interagency Agreement revisions, and countywide joint trainings with SDRC & LEAs.  Heather has served on the San Diego Part C Interagency Leadership Committee for more than 10 years, serving as its chair for several years.  She has been an administrator for Local Education Agencies that provide IDEA Part C services for more than 7 years.  In addition to work in Part C, Heather has provided numerous trainings specializing in special education data throughout California. She has served as the Chair of the SELPA Administrators' Association of California, and was awarded the Association of California School Administrators Special Education Administrator of the Year in 2016.

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Thomas Crocker
Assessment Team Leadership Exemplar Lead
Lincoln Unified School District

Thomas Crocker is the Executive Director of Special Education and Health Services in the Lincoln Unified School District where he has spent more than 8 years overseeing and coordinating preschool programs, including the development of a robust preschool assessment team, inclusive opportunities for students that include participation in state funded preschools, and a board approved full inclusion preschool classroom. Thomas has worked diligently to maintain collaborative relationships between his staff and regional center service coordinators to support timely transitions between Part C to Part B services. In the Lincoln Unified School District, preschool assessors continue to support students through direct and indirect services throughout preschool programming experiences, ensuring continuity of care and case management, which creates strong parent/district relationships and improved outcomes for students. In addition to work within the school setting, Thomas has served as a part time instructor teaching courses in early childhood education and other special education credential programs.

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Cristina Blevins
Child Find Exemplar Lead
First 5 Orange County
Cristina Blevins is First 5 Orange County’s Early Learning Senior Program Officer and has over 20 years of experience in early childhood education. She has a true passion for the development of young children, evidenced by her experience in the early childhood field. She has been a classroom teacher for PK-Grade 5, a Program Director for various programs including: Head Start, State Preschool, dual immersion, and fee-based early education, and most recently a consultant for First 5 OC supporting the Engaged Neighborhoods and other initiatives. Cristina is dedicated to ensuring that children have a strong foundation for successful lifelong learning and development. When she is not advocating for young children, Blevins enjoys spending time with her husband and two children.
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Elena Sanchez
Parent Outreach and Support Exemplar Lead
San Gabriel/Pomona Parents’ Place Family Resource and Empowerment Center

Elena Sachez is the Executive Director with the San Gabriel/Pomona Parents’ Place Family Resource and Empowerment Center (Parents’ Place) where the mission is to support, promote, and enhance family-focused, family-driven services for children with special needs.  Family Support Specialists with Parents’ Place provide support to families in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Cantonese, and Mandarin in support of IDEA Part C to Part B transitions from Regional Centers to Local Education Agencies.  The Parents’ Place philosophy is that families with children who have special needs are like all other families, they are an integral part of the community in which they live, and they should be empowered to reach their fullest potential.  

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Heather DiFede
Data Governance Exemplar Lead
East County SELPA

Heather DiFede is the Executive Director of the East County Special Education Local Plan Area (East County SELPA) in San Diego, California.  During her tenure as District Director and SELPA Director, she has led collaborative meetings with San Diego Regional Center (SDRC) resulting in IFSP form development, Interagency Agreement revisions, and countywide joint trainings with SDRC & LEAs.  Heather has served on the San Diego Part C Interagency Leadership Committee for more than 10 years, serving as its chair for several years.  She has been an administrator for Local Education Agencies that provide IDEA Part C services for more than 7 years.  In addition to work in Part C, Heather has provided numerous trainings specializing in special education data throughout California. She has served as the Chair of the SELPA Administrators' Association of California, and was awarded the Association of California School Administrators Special Education Administrator of the Year in 2016.

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Susan Langer
Innovative and Inclusive Practices Exemplar Lead
Sonoma County SELPA

Susan Langer is a certificated teacher, school psychologist, and administrator who has served as a SELPA Program Specialist with the Sonoma County Special Education Local Plan Area (Sonoma County SELPA) for the past 4 years.  Susan worked as a school psychologist for 15 years and then served as a special education principal for 6 years.  Susan has expertise in English Learner assessment, inclusive strategies, practice-based coaching, and behavior in addition to being certified in Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution.  Susan supports evidenced-based inclusive practices in preschool settings utilizing tiered intervention supports and guidance that is focused on ensuring sufficient infrastructure supports are in place to support children’s access to quality, inclusive learning classrooms.  Susan is the Embedded Instruction for Early Learning-CA Administrator, Coach, Trainer, and Statewide Cadre lead for LEAs within her SELPA and region.

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Taylor Smith
Innovative and Inclusive Practices Exemplar Lead
Bonita Unified School District

Taylor Smith is a Program Specialist with the Bonita Unified School District (BUSD) in San Dimas, California.  She has more than 16 years of experience working in the field of special education, and holds both mild/moderate and moderate/severe teaching credentials.  Taylor served on the BUSD preschool assessment team for 4 years and was the district’s Inclusion Specialist prior to becoming a Program Specialist for Elementary Programs.  

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Liberty Grammer
Innovative and Inclusive Practices Exemplar Lead
Bonita Unified School District

Liberty Grammer has worked as a School Psychologist since 2009, joining the Bonita Unified School District (BUSD) in 2010.  She has led the Preschool Assessment Team since 2012, working and collaborating closely with the BUSD team of specialists and providers in addition to community agencies including the San Gabriel Pomona Regional Center and Options for Learning Head Start in support of IDEA Part C to Part B assessments.  Liberty has been instrumental in supporting the B.L.A.S.T. program (Building Lifelong Academic Skills Together), a preschool inclusion program in the BUSD that promotes inclusivity while teaching play and social skills, pre-academic skills, as well as adaptive skills to preschool aged children.   

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Map of the regions

Geographic Technical Assistance Facilitators

CalECSE Geographic Technical Assistance Facilitators in regions across California provide linkages between LEAs and other agencies within their region to the supports that exist within the CalECSE Network as well as provide support through the dissemination, implementation, and technical assistance of evidence-based practices and strategies that address barriers to successful identification, assessment, support, instruction, and transition for California’s youngest children with disabilities.

Teresa Knapp
Geographic Technical Assistance Facilitator Region 1
Rincon Valley Partnership

Teresa Knapp is a School Psychologist and Program Specialist currently overseeing the preschool program for the Rincon Valley Partnership. Teresa has worked with the preschool population for 20 years, participating in multidisciplinary assessments, collaborating with the Regional Center to facilitate the transfer from Part C to Part B services, and consulting with classroom teams to support the overall development of each student. Teresa was also involved in the creation and implementation of the district’s two inclusion preschools, which first opened in the 2021/2022 school year.


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Daymi Trowbridge
Geographic Technical Assistance Facilitator Region 2
Butte County SELPA

Daymi Trowbridge works as a Program Specialist for the Butte County SELPA (since 2022). Daymi supports special education programs in 14 school districts, serving students from ages 3 to 22.  Programs include students with both mild to moderate and extensive support needs, early childhood special education, adult transition and one SELPA-run school, which is a program for students with significant social and emotional challenges. She started her career in education in 2006 as a School Psychologist and then in 2020 moved to special education administration as a Coordinator of special education programs overseeing the Educationally Related Mental Health Services (ERMHS) program, school psychologists, and therapeutic classrooms within the Chico Unified School District. Areas of focus include building resiliency, trauma-informed practices, social emotional learning (SEL), suicide prevention/intervention, functional behavior assessment and intervention, and alternative dispute resolution. She also has advanced certification as a Nurtured Heart Approach Trainer since 2007 and certification in Crisis Prevention since 2022.

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Daniel Mendoza
Geographic Technical Assistance Facilitator Region 3
Placer County Office of Education

Daniel Mendoza is the Program Administrator for the Placer County Office of Education Early Childhood Education Department as well as an Adjunct Professor in the Human Development/ECE department at Sierra College in Rocklin, CA. Daniel supports the State Preschool Programs (CSPPs), Family Childcare Homes, Head Start and Early Head Start programs. Prior to becoming the Program Administrator, Daniel was a CSPP and Head Start teacher and site supervisor for over a decade, and has served as an Early Childhood Education Specialist providing professional development, coaching, technical assistance and implementation support across multiple CSPP and Head Start sites and programs. Daniel presents various workshops for professional development on a variety of early learning domains, including math, art, and inclusion. He is an advisory board member for CA First 5 Literacy (Placer County), Placer Arts League, Sierra College Early Childhood Education committee, and helps to facilitate the PCOE Father Literacy Group. Daniel has extensive experience identifying and implementing successful practices for early inclusion including models for collaboration across educational systems. Daniel holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education from Pacific Oaks College with an emphasis in Trauma and Inclusion and a Masters in Education in Curriculum and Instruction in Early Childhood Education from Arizona State University.

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Ilah Feeney
Geographic Technical Assistance Facilitator Region 4
Solano County Office of Education

Ilah Feeney is the lead special education administrator for the Solano County Office of Education (SCOE) infant and preschool programs. She maintains expert knowledge and experience in guiding teams involved in Part C to B evaluations, transitions, and initial preschool assessments in collaboration with district and community-based early childhood education partners. Ilah plays a key role in establishing initial services for infants, toddlers, and preschool-aged children with speech/language delays, developmental disabilities, and who are deaf or hard of hearing. Through her work as an early learning special education administrator, Ilah has built strong connections with community agencies such as Regional Center, Head Start, Healthy Families Solano, and numerous others that serve to wrap families in resources. These connections ensure families have access to education and services needed to support their child as they navigate the journey of parenting an exceptional needs learner. Ilah actively collaborates with SCOE’s Early Learning Department as a member of the Solano County-wide Center for Social Emotional Foundations of Early Learning (CSEFEL) Leadership Team; this work engages early learning teachers in professional development designed to support social-emotional development in young children. Lastly, Ilah is a member of the Inclusive Early Education Expansion Program in partnership with local districts and community partners to support increased inclusion opportunities; this involves collaboration to host interns and student teachers in SCOE early childhood special education programs in partnership with California State University, Sacramento. Ilah is whole-heartedly committed to early childhood special education.

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Michelle Kjellesvig
Geographic Technical Assistance Facilitator Region 5
Santa Clara County Office of Education

Michelle Kjellesvig has been with the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) since 2001 as a credentialed teacher of students with varying developmental abilities, and currently, as an Assistant Director of Early Start Learning.  She has worked in the classroom with staff and students as well as served as a mentor for new teachers. Michelle recently moved from the classroom to her administrative position in the Early Start program.  In this position, she has collaborated with San Andreas Regional Center (SARC), Parents Helping Parents, medical providers as well as multiple districts in the county to ensure that the students and their families are given the detailed steps necessary for movement into services for Part B of IDEA.  Michelle has provided and supported Transition Training for educational staff, community providers and parents.  She has also been a part of the infant mental health collaboration with the regional center for over 2 years, and most recently, she was accepted into the Trainer of Trainers- Trauma Responsive Institute for Authorization for Early Childhood Providers.

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Kristy Mabee
Geographic Technical Assistance Facilitator Region 6
Stanislaus County Office of Education

Kristy Mabee has more than 25 years of experience working in Early Childhood Education. She is an SLP at the Stanislaus County Office of Education and has worked as a Program Specialist for preschool students with special needs, where she was responsible for C to B transitions for the Early Start program for several years. She has since transitioned into the role of Principal for Birth-5 programs. Kristy is responsible for the Early Start program and is very involved with the local regional center and has created student information systems to work collaboratively with the SELPA, CDE and Regional Center. Kristy has been integral in facilitating 80 C to B transitions. She works closely with Head Start and Early Head start programs in her county. In partnership with the regional center, Kristy also coordinates the intake/assessment process within her county. She is also the past President of the Stanislaus County Infant Committee and the Chair of the Region 9 Infant Services Committee.

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Freda Kaprielian
Geographic Technical Assistance Facilitator Region 7
KC KIDS Early Start Program

Freda Kaprielian has been in the Early Childhood field for over 30 years, working with infants, families, and preschool children. She currently serves as the director of the KC KIDS Early Start Program in Fresno County and oversees Part C to Part B transitions and assessments to several school districts in the county. She started an intensive behavioral program specifically for young children with autism. Freda is an endorsed Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health (IFECMH) and Reflective Practice Mentor. She currently serves as President-elect of the California Association of Infant Mental Health. Freda trains locally and across the state on Early Childhood Special Education relationship-based practices, reflective practice, staff support and evaluation in Early Childhood, programs, and Caregiver support to enhance dyad interactions. She is a Circle of Security Parent Trainer.

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Nathan Moreno
Geographic Technical Assistance Facilitator Region 8
Guadalupe Union School District

Nathan Moreno has worked in the field of special education for the past 12 years, both as a special education teacher and administrator.  Currently, Mr. Moreno serves as the  Director of Special Education for the Guadalupe Union School District in Santa Barbara County.  Prior to that, Mr. Moreno served as the Director of Special Education for Soledad Unified School District.  His work in early education includes developing special education preschool programs and expanding the level of services and support being provided to preschool aged students.  His overall drive is towards more inclusive special education programs for all students, knowing that starting in preschool yields the best results.  On a professional level, Mr. Moreno has guest lectured at Mills College in their Doctoral Program, as well as presented at the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA), California Association of School Business Officials (CASBO), and the Bureau of Education & Research (BER).  Mr. Moreno is excited to be a part of CalECSE network and their goal in supporting LEAs, County Offices and SELPAs in the ongoing work of supporting preschool aged students with exceptional needs.  

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Graciela Guillen
Geographic Technical Assistance Facilitator, Region 9
Savanna School District

Graciela Guillén is the Coordinator of Student Support Services with the Savanna School District in Anaheim, CA.  After completing her second Bachelor’s degree in Communicative Disorders and following the completion of the California State University Northridge Speech and Language Pathologist Assistanct (SLPA) program, Graciela began her special education career.  She providded services to children ages two to eleven as a SLPA providing in-home and clinic-based services in addition to providing school-based services in mild-moderate and moderate-severe programs.  With the experience that she obtained as a SLPA, Graciela pursued her Master’s degree in Speech and Language Pathology. Graciela further developed her school-based Speech and Language skills during her tenure at Savanna School District as a Speech and Language Pathologist.  Graciela has worked closely with district and SELPA staff including Special Educators, school psychologists, audiologists, vision specialists, AAC specialists, occupational therapists, and behavioral interventionists. Subsequently, she was able to extend her experience to working with students and staff within the Autism Focus and Mild-Moderate SDC programs.  In addition, Graciela received training with SELPA staff and AAC specialists to address the growing AAC needs of the student population while serving as a member of the Preschool Assessment Team.  As Coordinator of Student Support services, Ms. Guillén has focused her efforts to support the Special Education department director in meeting the growing needs of the district as a whole with special emphasis on Special Education ensuring that the restructuring of existing policies and procedures are reviewed and revised to adapt to increased demands across school settings.

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Susana Avila-Salgado
Geographic Technical Assistance Facilitator Region 9
Imperial County Office of Education

Susana Avila-Salgado has been with the Imperial County Office of Education (ICOE) for over 15 years. She has a Master’s in Education and holds an Early Childhood Special Education Credential. During her time at ICOE, she has served as an early childhood special education teacher working with students ages 0-3 with moderate to severe needs and their families, for approximately 10 years, and is currently employed by SELPA as a Program Specialist. Susana has specialized in Early Intervention programs, embedded instruction, and services for infant/toddlers and preschool-aged students. She has had an ongoing partnership with our local Regional Center (San Diego Regional Center- SDRC) for over 12 years. Susan’s previous position required collaborating and meeting with Early Start service coordinators to provide Early Start services, while her current role is to assist the 17 member districts who are part of SELPA during Part C to Part B transition meetings. Susana is familiar with Early Start policies, local education agencies, teachers, and staff, as well as other partnering agencies and preschools within the county. She is fluent in English and Spanish and is able to provide staff development trainings for staff/agencies serving Early Start as well as providing workshops and trainings for the families in either language as requested by attendees.

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Jordan Hulstrom
Geographic Technical Assistance Facilitator Region 10
Riverside County SELPA

Jordan Hulstrom has worked within the Early Childhood sector for many years. Currently he serves as the chair person for the Region 10 Early Childhood Committee where he partners with multiple local agencies to provide professional learning and development for Early Childhood educators across Region 10. Jordan also organizes quarterly Preschool Consortium meetings for Riverside County where Early Childhood educators provide up to date information regarding preschool aged students, best practices as it relates to part C to B transition meetings, collaboration with local regional center agencies, and the county office. Prior to working at the SELPA, Jordan supported Preschool programs as a Program Specialist, serving as the Administrator for Preschool Assessment teams, while supporting and developing preschool programs across the district and providing professional development.

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Katherine Mahoney
Geographic Technical Assistance Facilitator Region 11
Arcadia Unified School District

Dr. Katherine Mahoney has worked in the field of Special Education, Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education for more than 20 years. Additionally, she has been an in-home provider for birth to 3 services, an administrator for Part C to Part B transition teams for thousands of students, a TK-12 Education Specialist and a Special Education Director. Katherine’s experience working in programs provided by the regional center, private agencies and local education agencies who partnered with Head Start, State Preschool, First 5, John Tracy Center, and others, has provided her a valuable range of opportunities. Working with families in their homes, in center-based programs, and a variety of natural settings, including school sites, has helped enhance her ability to understand families’ and staff’s needs. She has participated in many professional developmental opportunities, such as PITC, Preschool Learning Foundations trainings and Supporting Inclusive Practices trainings, to enhance her ability to support young students with disabilities and their families. Katherine’s doctoral work focused on the pivotal impact of administrators in creating cultures of inclusion. This was significantly influenced by her experience and belief that inclusive environments can and should be created and sustained, starting for the earliest ages.

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Paula Miller
Geographic Technical Assistance Facilitator Region 11
Whittier Area Cooperative SELPA

Paula Miller has served as the Early Start Transition Coordinator at Whittier Area Cooperative SELPA (WACSEP) for 5 years, coordinating all Part C to Part B transitions for all six member elementary districts, and with four Regional Centers. She holds a Clear Level II Early Childhood Education Specialist Instruction Credential, as well as a M.A. in Early Childhood Special Education. Paula also holds an Inclusion Support certificate and CLAD certificate. She has taught Masters level courses at CSULA in the Early Childhood Special Education teacher training division. Additionally, she was a teacher in Early Childhood Special Education for 16 years. Throughout her career, she has often worked with the most impacted children, with a range of disabilities including but not limited to VI, DHH, ASD, ID, and OI, through LACOE, the local school district, and at the SELPA level. As a result of Paula’s experiences, she has come to believe that well trained staff and informed families make a huge impact in the outcomes for children with disabilities.

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