
Improving outcomes for children and their families by addressing and eliminating barriers to successful transition, assessment, and access to educational programming for California’s youngest children with disabilities across agencies throughout California.


To provide technical assistance, professional learning, and demonstration of tangible practices that have been proven successful in Part C to Part B evaluations under IDEA in the areas of Child Find and promote the use of evidenced-based practices & instructional strategies for preschool students with disabilities.


Learn more about our System of Support including our CalECSE Leadership, our Exemplar Leads and our Geographic Technical Assistance Facilitators.


Are you an LEA, Regional Center, or other agency partner engaging in IDEA Part C to B Evaluations, Preschool Assessments, or Preschool Child Find that is looking for resources or support?  If so, connect with us today!  Email us at info@calecse.org.

The California Early Childhood Special Education Network

Welcome to the California Early Childhood Special Education Network – A network of technical assistance, evidence-based practices, resources, and support for agencies supporting Early Childhood Special Education. 

Network of Understanding Network of Support Network of Compassion Network of Resources Network of Advocacy Network of Opportunity

The CalECSE Organization

What is CalECSE

The California Early Childhood Special Education (“CalECSE”) Network was funded by the California Department of Education in April of 2022 to support the areas of 1) Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part C to B Evaluations, 2) Preschool Assessment Practices, and 3) Preschool Child Find. The CalECSE Network will leverage collaboration amongst agencies, dissemination of resources, highlighting of existing exemplar practices, and direct technical assistance to improve the capacity, knowledge and implementation of evidence-based practices across agencies throughout California. The CalECSE Network is committed to improving outcomes for children and their families by eliminating and addressing barriers to successful transition for California’s youngest children with disabilities.

California Map with icons
Statewide Support

CalECSE will support  Local Educational Agencies (LEAs), Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPAs), County Offices of Special Education (COEs), and other Agency Partners throughout California in the areas of IDEA Part C to B Transitions, Preschool Assessment Practices, and Preschool Child Find.


California Map with counties
Geographic Technical Assistance Facilitators

CalECSE provides regionalized support in California through a system of 11 service regions based on the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (CCSESA).  Geographic Technical Assistance Facilitators provide linkages between LEAs and other agencies within their region to support that exists within the CalECSE Network.  


California Map showing counties serviced
Exemplar Leads

CalECSE Network Exemplar Leads connect with LEAs & other agencies seeking support or that have been identified to participate in high-quality technical assistance & professional learning opportunities in order to build knowledge, capacity, and the implementation of evidence-based best practices. 

California Map showing counties with ring of service

Be a part of CalECSE's
Historic Symposiums

Take a look back at CalECSE's Inaugural Symposium held at San Diego's Beautiful Point Pleasant Resort. This two-day event provided attendees with professional training and impactful applications while enjoying a resort-style experience.

Our Support

Grantees of CalECSE

CalECSE Network Grantees are exemplary leaders and regionally based facilitators who have a passion for helping educators, early start providers, and teams create sustainable, evidence-based practices that support IDEA Part C to Part B transitions, assessments, and child find activities.

Funders of CalECSE

CalECSE is funded by the California Department of Education (CDE).

CalECSE logo
Partners of CalECSE
Partner Logos
Brochure for CalECSE
CalECSE Brochure (PDF)

Learn more about the CalECSE Commitment!

CalECSE "Building Bridges" Symposium (PDF)

CalECSE is pleased to announce our “Building Bridges” CalECSE Symposium that will take place October 22nd - 23rd, 2024 in San Diego, CA!

person on computer doing virtual training
Virtual Training at No Cost

CalECSE offers Virtual Training Sessions on a variety of topics available at no cost.